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Pope St Anicetus

17 April 2023

Pope St Anicetus, Martyr

Take advantage of our resources for priests for formulating your homily. We offer a breakdown of the theological themes, useful meditations, material from great saints, popes and church fathers.

Vestments: Red (when not surpassed by the Season)

Collect: Eternal Shepherd, look favourably upon Thy flock, which we beseech Thee to guard and keep for evermore through the Blessed Anicetus, Thy Martyr and Supreme Pontiff, whom Thou didst choose to be the chief shepherd of the whole Church.  Through Our Lord. [indulgence]



17 April 2023
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Roman Rite

Traditional Rite

Take advantage of our expert resources for formulating your homily. We offer a breakdown of the theological themes, useful meditations, material from great saints, popes and church fathers.