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Conditions to Receive an Indulgence

Indulgences - Treasury of the Church

Universal conditions

The history and theology of Indulgences has been written of thoroughly elsewhere. Nevertheless, for ease of reference, the universal conditions for the faithful to receive an indulgence, (in addition to the particular condition of the particular indulgence) are as follows:


  1. The person must be baptised
  2. The person must not be excommunicated (for example, abortion carries with it an automatic sentence of excommunication).
  3. The person must be in a state of grace i.e. free from all mortal sin and pleasing to God and detached from all sin, even venial sin
  4. The person must intend to receive the indulgence, at least the general intention, and perform the works as prescribed

The Works

  1. To do the prescribed work with the correct disposition at that time. Then, either at the time of the work, or several days before or after:
    • To receive the sacrament of Confession (one suffices for multiple indulgences)
    • To receive Holy Communion (once for each plenary indulgence but multiple partial indulgences)
    • To pray for the intention of the Pope – the Sovereign Pontiff (once for each plenary indulgence), which is, for example, fully sufficed by reciting one Our Father and one Hail Mary.
  2. But, if the work is the visit of a church or oratory, then, during the visit, one should also:
  3. If one receives confession before performing the work, it is likely that most of these conditions will be more easily fulfilled.


A full and more detailed treatise on the Norms of Acquiring an Indulgence can be read in the larger article on Indulgences.

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