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St Hermenegild

St Hermengild

Name: St. Hermenegild, Martyr

When: 6th Century

Feast Day: April 13th (pre and post-1962 liturgy).

Relics: Cathedral of Seville, Spain

Patron Saint: of martyrs.

Symbolism in Art: Palm of martyrdom, Axe, Crown, Cross.

Prayers: “O God, who called the Bishop Saint Hermenegild to confirm by the witness of his blood the mysteries of the true faith, grant, we pray, that he, through his intercession, may spread the faith in our hearts and confirm us in the confession of the same. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.”

St Hermengild
St Hermengild


St. Hermenegild was born into a royal Visigothic family in Spain during a time of religious and political turmoil. His father, King Leovigild, was an Arian Christian, while his mother, Theodosia, was a devout Catholic. Despite being raised in a divided household, Hermenegild embraced the Catholic faith and became a fervent Christian.

In 579 AD, Hermenegild married Ingund, a Catholic princess from France, which further solidified his commitment to the Catholic faith. However, his father, King Leovigild, opposed his conversion to Catholicism and pressured him to convert to Arianism, a heretical form of Christianity. Hermenegild resisted his father’s efforts and remained steadfast in his Catholic faith, even in the face of persecution.

As tensions escalated between Hermenegild and his father, King Leovigild, the situation came to a tragic climax. Hermenegild, with the support of Catholic bishops and nobles, staged a rebellion against his father’s rule in an attempt to protect the Catholic faith. However, the rebellion failed, and Hermenegild was captured and imprisoned by his father.

During his imprisonment, Hermenegild was subjected to various forms of torture and persecution in an effort to force him to renounce his Catholic faith and embrace Arianism. Despite the harsh treatment, Hermenegild remained steadfast and refused to abandon his beliefs.

In 586 AD, on the eve of Easter Sunday, Hermenegild was sent an Arian bishop by his father with the offer of Holy Communion by his hand.  Hermenegild refused the Eucharist from a heretic, and his father flew into a rage and ordered his execution. Hermenegild was martyred for his unwavering faith, being beheaded on Easter Sunday by his own father’s order.

After his death, Hermenegild’s body was buried in Seville, Spain, and he was venerated as a martyr and a saint. Over time, his reputation as a saint and a martyr spread, and his intercession was sought by those in need. Many miracles and favours were attributed to his intercession, and he was regarded as a powerful advocate in heaven.

Today, St. Hermenegild is remembered as a courageous martyr who remained steadfast in his faith despite facing persecution and death. He is revered as a patron of martyrs, as well as those seeking conversion and reconciliation within families. His feast day on April 13th is celebrated by the faithful, and his relics in Seville continue to be venerated by pilgrims and devotees.

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