Partial Indulgence for Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament from the Catholic Church’s Enchiridion of Indulgences.
Plenary Indulgence
Plenary or Partial Indulgence for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from the Catholic Church’s Enchiridion of Indulgences.
Plenary Indulgence for Eucharistic Procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the Catholic Church’s Enchiridion of Indulgences.
Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart Indulgence of the Catholic Church from the Enchiridion of Indulgences – plenary or partial.
Act of Family Consecration Indulgence of the Catholic Church from the Enchiridion of Indulgences – plenary or partial.
Act of Thanksgiving – Plenary Indulgence of the Catholic Church from the latest Enchiridion of Indulgences in thanksgiving / supplication..