Pope St Martin I

12 Nov: Pope St Martin I

Pope Martin I is known for his unwavering defence of orthodoxy, particularly in the face of the Monothelite heresy, which denied the full humanity of Jesus Christ. He convened the Lateran Council in 649 AD, which condemned the Monothelite heresy and affirmed the doctrine of the two wills of Christ – human and divine. Despite facing opposition and threats from political powers, Pope Martin I remained steadfast in upholding the teachings of the Church and defending the true faith.

St Faustina Kowalska

05 Oct: St Faustina Kowalska

St. Faustina Kowalska’s was a visionary whose mystical life was marked by her unwavering devotion to the Divine Mercy and her mission to spread this message to the world. Her writings, prayers, and personal example have left a profound impact on countless lives, and her canonization as a saint has further solidified her significance in the Catholic Church.

29 Sep: St Michael, Archangel

St Mark was of Jewish descent of the priestly Tribe of Levi.  He was born in Cyrene, North Africa which is modern day Libya.  His Jewish name was John to which the Latin Marcus was added (Greek Markos), and he was therefore called both John and Mark. He is mentioned repeatedly in the New Testament and is also the author of the Gospel of Mark which sought to record the lessons of St Peter to the Romans.


22 Jun: St Aaron of Aleth

Saint Aaron of Aleth, also known as Saint Aaron of Alethius, was a hermit and monk in Brittany, France, who is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, and Anglican Communion. He is recognized for his holiness, piety, and devotion to a life of prayer and solitude.